Women riding bikes

Question السلام عليكم Is it permissable for women to ride bicycles in public providing the shape of her body is not revealed? Answer While the Hanafi legal tradition does not contend with bike riding, there is much discussion about women riding horses. One of the highest sources of our madhhab, al-Siyar al-Kabir, states that Muslim…

Outstanding loan

Question Assalaamualaikum wa Rahmatullah, Mufti Abdur Rahman, I am one of three siblings; I have an older brother and an older sister. I have a question regarding an outstanding amount of a loan. We (my husband and I) had taken a loan of NZD65,000 from my father in 2013 with the verbal understanding that we…

Racial fetishism

Question Salam Aleykoum, My question is the following : What’s the position of our religion concerning racial fetishism ? My question is not related to the position of islam on « classic » racism (of course haram) but is on what it is called « racial fetishism », « ethnic fetishism » or « inverted…