Male body hair

Question Assalamu alaykum? Are men allowed to remove chest and back hair to please their wives? Answer In the Fatawa Hindiyya and Radd al-Muhtar, the authors have quoted from the Qinya that it is against good etiquette for a man to remove his chest and back hair. There is no further comment to indicate that…

Halal savings accounts like Al Rayan

Question Salaams wr wb, I pray this finds you in the best of health and imaan. My question is regarding the permissibility of halal savings accounts offered by Islamic banks such as Al Rayan, and Gatehouse: I have recently had my nikah, and my husband and I are both studying and have not…

Student loans/finance

Question السلام عليكم و رحمةاللهً و بركاته Dear respected Ulema. Since your last video and verdict on students loans being impermissible in 2013, many mainstream Ulema have said it is not haram – Including Dr. Haitham haddad and Dr.Sajid Umar. Thus, many youngsters in the UK have started taking the loans as they have flipped…