
Question Asslamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, I have come Across this company who say they are Halal and they slaughter by hand. I only eat HMC meat, however not everything is labelled as HMC but may still be fully Halal. How do I know and judge this, and is the above suitable to eat from. Jazakallahu…

Oral sex

Question Hi, Is oral sex allowed in Islam, have heard previously that it is, but no swallowing of anything as that is haraam. There seems to be a lot of mixed opinions on this. Thanks. Answer The ruling of oral sex in the Hanafi school is that if impurities enter the mouth then oral sex…

Christmas gift

Question Salams my wife’s employer has offered £20 allowance to order biryani (which from a halal source) and also 1 hour time off as a good will gesture to celebrate Christmas is the food and time unlawful in our faith Please give guidance on this Jazakallah Answer If a non-Muslim offers gifts around the time…