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Welcome to Starter Templates Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
Question Asalamu’alaikum, Ibn Hajar (rh) mentions in Fath al Bari the following incident: وروى مسلم – أيضا – في ((كتاب التفصيل)) بإسناد صحيح ، عن بكير بن الأشج ، قال : لنا بسر بن سعيد : أيها الناس ، اتقوا الله ، وتحفظوا في الحديث ، فوالله لقد رأيتنا نجالس أبا هريرة ، فيحدثنا عن رسول…
Question Salam I hope someone can answer this weird question In our masjid we do 20 rakahs taraweeh and then witr. Then we do 8 rakahs tahajjud and then another witr (note that these are two different imams) The second time they do witr (after tahajjud) he does it 3 rakahs together and does the…
Question Salaams just wanted to ask my son has special needs he’s got a learning difficulty and mild autism when he goes to do istinja he can’t do it properly he will leave poo stains on his pants so he finds it difficult to pray what is the correct way of doing istinja for him…
Question Why is it that in islam endsin marriage in islam is so easy? Couples who have been married with children for 10+ years can have their families destroyed just after utterance of one unpleasant word three times that term I do not wish to mention here. In a marital life arguments are normal and…
Question Hi, I am … year old male. Recently had my Nikkah but waiting for Ruksati (Moving of wife from parents to husbands home). Issue: I have realized after Nikkah, due to doctor visit that I have become very weak physically due to have watching explicit content since I was 9 and being addicted to…
Question Assalamualaikum, I have named my son Ahmed Zidaan. Would like to know the meaning of zidaan as i read in one of the article that it’s the plural form zaid which is zaidaan. Please confirm. Also i would like to know the meaning of Nousheer Answer Zaydan is a male name that means increase,…